We ask parents and carers to fully support our school uniform policy and to ensure that pupils look smart for school. Uniform helps to unite the children as members of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School; encourages them to be proud of the school they represent; helps to avoid peer pressure and distractions relating to clothing and accessories; enables children to look the same regardless of their socio-economic backgrounds; and helps families have a smooth start to the day with no debates about what children are going to wear.

Uniform can be bought from any retailer and we do have some second hand uniform in school. Uniform embroidered with the school logo can be purchased online using the following link here

Uniform for all:

  • Grey pinafore dress, skirt, culottes, shorts or trousers
  • Royal blue school sweatshirt or cardigan, with optional school logo (order through school shop APC)
  • Sky blue polo shirt with collar, with optional school logo (order through school shop APC)
  • Grey socks/tights

(An alternative summer uniform is a blue checked gingham dress)


    • Suitable black school shoes – NOT trainers.
    • In wet/snowy weather, pupils who choose to walk to school in wellingtons or boots should change into their school shoes once in the school building.

PE kits:

    • White T-shirt, with optional school logo (order through school shop APC)
    • Navy blue shorts or navy blue tracksuit bottoms (no logos)
    • Royal blue sweatshirts/hoodies, with optional school logo (order through school shop APC)
    • Trainers suitable for PE lessons

Additional information:

  • No earrings or jewellery to be worn at any time in school. 
  • Watches may be worn (no smart watches)
  • Hair must be tied up if long enough